Thursday, September 27, 2012

[Photo Gallery] The Great Floods Of Nigeria Moves To Edo State

The township of Udaba-Ephei in Etsako Central LGA of Edo state is totally submerged by floods.  ERA field officers told SaharaReporters that several residents are displaced.

Millions of Nigerians have been displaced by flooding that continues ravage various parts of the country.
 Environmental Rights Action field officers Babawale Obayanju and Rita Iyke_Uwaka are taking testimonies of victims of the latest flood.



Picture: Cultist Killed In Unijos Today After Killing Student

The students of University of Jos today braved the odds by apprehending one of the cultists that invaded the university. According to a CKN Nigeria I Reporter the cultist came into the University permanent site in Jos for a mission to kill a student.

Unfortunately they mistakenly killed a wrong student. Immediately this was done, they took to their heels. Some of the students that witnessed the incident gave them a hot chase and apprehended the one in this picture and gunned him down with the gun which he used in the killing as seen in the picture. The police were then called in to evacuate his corpse.The gun used is being held by the police on the right.As of the time of filling in this report,the atmosphere within the university environment was still tensed.
Source: CKN


DANGER! Live Crocodile Found On Flood Streets In Benue State [Photos]

According to source:

    We are treating the issue of flooding, displacements and camps with levity. An outbreak of diseases grave, wish something is done now than later.

    Often tragedies are stories till they hit us, flooding in Nigeria is an issue! Government and private sector criminally silent.

    Took a boat ride in Makurdi to view "homes" submerged, primary schools to view camps, its an emergency.

    The Senate President donated 5m to victims.

    I didn't take the picture but was there and, some meters into the river banks days later, were hippos!

    Not funny Mate*


I am a Lawyer, so don't threaten me

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

VIDEO: Purse That Charges PHONE Automatically & Wirelessly

Everpurse: a new handbag with a built-in iPhone charger charges phone battery automatically and wirelessly.

Rare Photo Of Timaya In His Secondary School Days

You can't deny that Timaya hasn't changed since his childhood (except for the dreads). 

Egberi Papa 1 is really a fine boy.

WOW! What A Game - Nigerian U-17 Football Babes Demolish Azerbiaja 11: 0 (Video)

Nigeria registered a demoralising 11-0 victory over FIFA U-17 Women’s World Cup hosts Azerbiajan, seeing them eliminated, with Chinwendu Ihezuo playing a part in eight of them. 

Right from the off the game was being played almost exclusively in the hosts’ half, so it was little surprise when the first goal came. Chinwendu Ihezuo capitalising after Madel Effiom’s cross cannoned fortuitously off the bar to tap in from a yard out.

Three minutes later it was 2-0, Oluchi Ofoebu squaring from inside the box to see Halimatu Ayinde squeeze her first under Aytaj Sharifova.

It was clear the hosts couldn’t handle Nigeria’s pace or physicality, and a third came when Effiom once again crossed for Ihezuo, who laid the ball off for Tessy Biahwo to fire from the edge of the box.

Ayinde then made one and scored her second, lay the first on for Aminat Yakubu before Ihezuo turned provide.

Ihezuo then doubled own tally, Yakubu crossing for her to put in at the far post. Ayinde missed the chance to complete her hat-trick when missing an untended goal, but her pass on 37 minutes saw Ihezuo complete hers.

Nigar Jalilli had two chances to score for the hosts, one drawing a fantastic save from an otherwise unworked Gift Andy.

The tune didn’t change after half-time, Ihezuo netting her fourth after Ebere Okoye’s neat through-ball. Substitute Joy Bokiri then got in on the act, converting Ayinde’s cross.

Ihezuo got her fifth, rising to head Biahwo’s deep free-kick, before roles reversed as the midfielder curled an effort into the bottom corner for the final goal. 

Watch the video here:


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Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Unbelievable!!! [Photo] Woman Gives Birth To Goat Looking Baby With No Neck

A woman just delivered a goat looking baby in General hospital Jahun, Jigawa State, the monster which is still on the hospital bed at the time of this report has a goat legs and no neck.


SAD: Bride Dies In An Accident On Her Way To Church For Wedding

She was only , 25 until her death was a final year student of Industrial Relation at the University of Cotonou, Benin Republic.According to Sunday Express, efforts of the supposed bride were ended in a ghastly motor accident shortly after she left home in a convoy of exotic cars for her church wedding somewhere in Ikeja, Lagos.

 The fatal accident that claimed the life of the bride happened on one of the major roads in Ikeja, in front of Tunde Motors.

“We were all shocked and terrified when we noticed a white Murano SUV decorated with an ‘About To Wed’ somersaulting that fateful Saturday morning. We didn’t know what actually caused the accident. But those who immediately rushed to the scene to rescue the survivors were shocked to find the bride dead. She died immediately the accident happened on the spot." 

 Infact, we were told that among the occupants of the car, she was the only one who died. They had to remove her wedding gown in order to be able to retrieve her body from the mangled car that was a complete wreck”.

A close family member said, it was like a dream to the groom who was waiting anxiously for her arrival in order for them to begin the solemnization of their marriage in the church under the watchful eyes their family members, friends and well wishers only to be told that the love of his life had been hijacked by the icy hands of death. The man thought he was dreaming until he rushed to the hospital where he was shown the battered corpse of his darling bride by the doctor and broke down in tears uncontrollably.

Baby Making Machine, Beyonce Is Pregnant With Second Child For Jay Z !

Less than six months after popping out Blue Ivy Carter, Beyonce has already enrolled for another 9 months course and from information, she is already three months gone! In next six months we should be expecting another baby from the American super star, who is also one of the highest paid women in the world.


BRAND NEW!- 2face Official Video - Ihe Neme

2face is back with creativity at its peak with his latest video Ihe Neme, very African and Original.


REVEALING! Smoking Marijuana Relaxes Me - Genevieve Nnaji

According to veteran producer, Charles Novia, Genevieve Nnaji has a secret dirty habit of smoking, which alot of people didnt know about:

. I remember on the third day of recording, one night while shooting at a clinic in Victoria Garden City Extension, I came out for a bit of fresh air while the technical people were setting up for the next scene. I saw Genevieve in a dark corner of the building, smoking a cigarette. ‘Whoops! You caught me’, she said, laughing. ‘You smoke?’ I asked, a bit surprised. ‘Now and then. It relaxes me ’ she said. ‘Do you smoke?’ ‘Never have. Never will. But I don’t have any problems with people who smoke though. But health wise, I hope you stop soon.’ I replied. ‘I am trying to. Sit with me a bit, lets talk about this scene ’ I sat with her and I explained some few things to her about the scene. We also talked about a bit of her stardom and how she was coping with it. She was in a chatty mood and it was a revealing conversation.

That evening, I saw a vulnerability in her, I had never seen before. This young lady, by a dint of her talent, hard work or fortune, had superstardom thrust upon her and seemed to have no private life anymore. She had become one of the most recognizable faces in the continent and whilst enjoying the adulation, she was also coming to terms with the scrutiny of her Privacy, which was not too palatable to her. I admired her courage and somehow felt that she would go places beyond Nollywood. I remember I told her so. Genevieve was quite particular about make-up. She would spend many minutes, ensuring that her face was well-powdered.

GBESE!!! Ibori’s wife, others owe UK £1bn fines

Theresa, the wife of former governor of Delta State, Chief James Ibori, has been named among a number of convicts owing over £1bn of fines to the United Kingdom.

The London Evening Standard newspaper reports that Theresa, who is one of the “major debtors,” still owes just under £5m of a court fine imposed for her role in a £50m fraud committed by her husband.

The report said she had failed to pay the fine despite owning a home in Hampstead, UK and missing a deadline for repayment that ran out in May.

The list of 7,000 convicted debtors includes major drug importers, fraudsters and other serious criminals, who have still to pay back their “unlawful gains.”

The report says each convict owes an average of about £150,000. The total outstanding debt to taxpayers has risen by nearly £250m in the past three years and now stands at £1.017bn — equivalent to at least 40 new secondary schools or several hospitals.
“Most of the criminals have ignored deadlines to pay fines imposed by the courts. Many also received legal aid,” the paper said.

Among the worst cases highlighted in the new figures, obtained by the Evening Standard from the Crown Prosecution Service, is that of ‘fraudster’ Craig Johnson.

“Johnson, who was originally jailed for 12 years in 2006 for a VAT scam, owned a £3m stately home in Staffordshire and lived a multi-millionaire lifestyle. As well as two helicopters, he had an Aston Martin, a Ferrari and two Bentleys.

“He has been returned to jail after failing to pay £21.9m four years after being ordered by Wolverhampton crown court to pay back £26m. Prosecutors seized assets worth £3m, but say that he is an ‘uncooperative defendant’ who has ‘extensive overseas and hidden assets’ that are helping him to evade repayment,” it stated.

Ibori earlier had been convicted and fined in the UK for fraud-related offences, while his female associate, Udoamaka Okonkwo-Onuigbo, was recently released from a UK prison after serving a five-year jail term for money laundering and mortgage fraud. She was tried alongside Ibori’s sister, Christine Ibori-Ibie.

Ibori, himself, is currently serving a 13-year jail term in a UK prison for charges of fraud to the tune of $250m. This came after  Justice Marcel Awokulehin of the Federal High Court, Asaba struck out 170 charges preferred against him.

Two Nigerian Students Face Deportation At A Canadian University

Two Nigerian Students Face Deportation At A Canadian University.

Univ. of Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada, students, Victoria Ordu and Ihuoma Amadi, face deportation to Nigeria for working at WalMart for two weeks

Sitting inside a church, University of Regina students Victoria Ordu and Ihuoma Amadi start as a prairie wind rattles the front door.

Ordu glances over, eyes wary, before flicking toward the window at the back of the church she now calls home.

Sunshine streams through the glass, but that's the only taste of the outside world the two girls have been able to get since June 19, when they opted to seek sanctuary in the church.

The fear of being found by the Canada Border Services Agency and deported back home to Nigeria hangs over their heads - all because they worked for two weeks at Walmart.

They have spent each day hoping Canadian Federal Citizenship and Immigration Minister Jason Kenney - the only one who can change their fate - will grant them pardon.

The daily stress of it has, they say, been "hell."

U of R President Vianne Timmons has visited them at the church and the school has contacted the federal government, throwing its support behind the students' plea to stay in Canada and complete their education.

Amadi and Ordu have also written letters to Kenney, but no one has had a response.

And so, they wait.

"This is a small mistake we made, and now everything is at risk," Ordu says, clasping her shaking hands in her lap.

"It doesn't make any sense. They're looking for us like we've killed someone. We're just students at university ... but it's like we're running away and living in fear every day."

As part of their visas, international students like Ordu - who is studying theatre arts - and Amadi - international studies - are able to work on campus.

Both in Canada on full scholarships paid for by their government, Ordu and Amadi went to Service Canada and got their Social Insurance Numbers when they arrived in 2010, ending up working at the university.

Last year, Amadi found a parttime job at Walmart and Ordu at an agency that does demonstrations at the store.

Both were under the misapprehension their SINs allowed them to work outside U of R. Ordu quit after two weeks, as soon as she found out that wasn't the case.

Amadi discovered her mistake during her second week on the job - and was led away from her till in handcuffs by two CBSA agents.

"They led me through the store, in front of everyone, and all the customers were looking at me like 'What have you done?'" she recalls, looking at the floor.

"I just felt so embarrassed."

Kay Adebogun is a Regina immigration consultant who has taken on their case pro bono.

"Why go to that level of force?" he says.

"Why parade her out of there like she's a criminal?"

Barb Pollock, U of R spokeswoman, says while the school respects the fact laws have to be upheld, it is trying to advocate for a reconsideration of the girls' case.

"We think that the penalty, perhaps, is a bit severe for the crime," she says.

"Albeit that laws have been contravened, in light of what they have done to contravene the law, we would like them to have an opportunity to complete their education with us ... (and) we think it is a harsh penalty to be deported."

Pollock says the university has written to Kenney but is yet to receive an indication when it might receive a decision from the minister.

Both students say they admitted their mistake right away, but think the CBSA's decision to deport them - which went to an admissibility hearing - is an over-reaction.

"It's a huge deal to finish school, come back (to Nigeria) and help the country," Amadi says.

"Now to think we lose three years of our lives because of a small mistake? If there was a fine, a warning, that would be more reasonable. I just wish they could look at this from a human point of view."

Pollock agrees the case demonstrates how important it is for international students to understand Canadian laws.

"We have to make sure our students really understand what it means to come here and go to school - what the opportunities are and, at the same time, what the limits are," she says.

"The fact something may not have been clear, you can be assured we're making that very clear with our incoming students now."

Adebogun would like to see a reversal in the decision to deport Ordu and Amadi, but he also thinks there are bigger issues at play with how the two were treated.

Of particular concern, he says, is the fact both students were asked by CBSA workers for names of other Nigerian students who were working and even if they knew anybody in a gang.

"They agree they did something wrong, but they should have a second chance," Adebogun says.

CBSA could not provide a comment on Tuesday but is expected to provide information on the case today.